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Program Information
NYC Anarchist Book Fair
Margareth Rago, Introduction by Yesenia Barragan
 dan v  Contact Contributor
April 17, 2011, 1:38 a.m.
NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2011
Anarchism and Post-Anarchism in Brazil
9 April 2011
Judson Memorial Church


This talk will focus on two different moments of the history of anarchism in Brazil including its relation to feminist issues: the first one, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the end of the 1960s, was one in which struggles against the State were the priority and anarchism could be characterized as a workers’ movement. The second, from the 1970s to the present, is one in which issues emerge on the horizon of cultural, political, and academic debates on anarchism which are linked to micro policies, to molecular revolutions, to subjectivity, and to ethics. The plurality of social groups involved and the multiplicity of themes covered demand from the anarchists new political forms of struggle and new concepts for the renewal of their own theory and practices. The new themes range from criminality and punishment to penal abolitionism, from bio‐political forms of social control of the individual and of the population to the “arts of living”, according to Foucault’s concept, and also include the debate about violence against the environment.

MARGARETH RAGO is a History associate professor at UNICAMP – State University of São Paulo, Brazil and Fulbrigth Ruth Cardoso Program Visiting Professor at ILAS-Institute of Latin American Studies at COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, 2010-2011. She was a Fulbright visiting professor at Conneticut College, CT, in 1995.

Main interests of research: anarchism, feminism, sexuality in Brazil based on Michel Foucault’s concepts.

On Anarchism, she published a biography of the Italian anarchist Luce Fabbri:
Entre a História e a Liberdade. Luce Fabbri e o Anarquismo contemporâneo. (Between History and Freedom: Luce Fabbri and Contemporary Anarchism). São Paulo: Editora da UNESP, 2002 translated to Spanish and Italian;

Anarquismo e Feminismo no Brasil. (Anarchism and Feminism in Brazil). Rio de Janeiro: Editora ACHIAMÉ, , 1st.ed, 2005.; 2nd ed., 2007.

A research on the formation of the working class and anarchism in Brasil:
Do Cabaré ao Lar. A utopia da cidade disciplinar. 1890-1930 (From Cabaret to the House: the utopia of a disciplinary city in Brazil, 1890-1930). Rio de Janeiro: 1st ed. 1985; 2nd. 1986; 3rd.ed. 1998)

She also wrote on the history of prostitution in Sao Paulo in the beginning of the 20th Century: Os Prazeres da Noite. Prostituição e Códigos da Sexualidade Feminina em São Paulo, 1890-1930 (Nightly Pleasures. Prostitution and Codes of Female Sexuality in Brazil, 1890-1930). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra, 1st ed.1991/ 2nd. ed., 2008.

Edited Books

Para uma vida não-fascista . (For a non-fascist life) Co-edited with Alfredo Veiga Neto São Paulo: Editora Autêntica, 2009
Subjetividades Antigas e Modernas. (Ancient and Modern Subjectivities) Co-edited with Pedro Paulo Funari. São Paulo: Annablume, 2008
Figuras de Foucault (Figures of Foucault) Co-edited with Alfredo Veiga Neto. Belo Horizonte: Ed. Autêntica, 2006, 2nd ed. 2008.
Imagens de Foucault e Deleuze, ressonâncias nietzschianas (Images of Foucault and Deleuze, Nietzschean ressonances) Co-edited with Luiz Orlandi and Alfredo Veiga Neto. São Paulo: Autêntica, 2004
Narrar o passado, Repensar a História. Co-edited with Renato A. Gimenez. Campinas, SP: IFCH, UNICAMP, 2000.

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To contact the NYC Anarchist Book Fair organizing collective to volunteer, submit workshop and tabling applications, make a donation, or get more information, email us at info[at]anarchistbookfair[dot]net

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03:05:50 1 April 9, 2011
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