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State Of The City reports
Royals and the Ripper - Murdoch media poison; LA property scam fires; Yemen's Mizrahi Jews vs. Ashkanazi Zionists
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 17, 2025, midnight
– CENSORSHIP: Dr. Judith Brown, on the Israeli lobby, Meta’s decision to get rid of fact checkers, and the Digital Services Act. Control of Information Substack.
– CENSORSHIP: Trump and Facebook – a formidable partnership? Zuckerberg and Censorship – what will happen next?
– CENSORSHIP: Peruvian-born US film-maker Allan Frankovich, Alternative Views, on how the CIA controls big TV networks.
– CENSORSHIP: Spy Cops Bill, miscarriages of justice, and the media Laurie Flynne, author of ‘Untouchables’, corruption in Scotland Yard, Murdoch Empire bribing the police
– EU CENSORSHIP: Volker Reusing, Unser Politic blog, outside Bilderberg 2016, on financial destruction of any group that is anti EU. The Digital Services Act is now in EU Law
– EU CENSORSHIP: Christopher Story, Oct 2009, on the headquarters of Nazi Germany moving to Madrid. Filmed at the 3rd Lawful Rebellion Conference, London, 31st October 2009
– Criticism of former CIA front-man Raffi Berg, online editor at BBC news, for biased coverage of the Gaza genocide.
– In November 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, a high-profile, bloody assault on Gaza that made worldwide headlines
– Technocrat-in-chief Kier Starmer major pre-WEF Davos speech on AI. . What is Starmer’s plan to turn Britain into an AI superpower?
– The UK Technocracy is being developed by WEF agents in government entirely out of democratic policy and regulation – Brian Gerrish interviews Ben Rubin on the power of big tech.
– Martin Gilbertson on 7/7 London bombings. A computer expert warned police about the activities of two of the 7 July London bombers in 2003, he says he came into contact with the two at the Islamic bookshop in Beeston, Leeds, where both the men lived
– Satirist, who Tony worked with at the BBC, Chris Morris, gives a conference talk about Wes Streeting, General Practice and the NHS
What you’re meant to do with antibiotics is develop bacterial resistance as fast as possible so that lots of us die and then there are enough doctors to go around
– Imber author Gordon Lewis, on unfriendly fire cover-up in 1942, and 1961 mass trespass on Salisbury Plain.
– ‘Little Imber on the down, seven miles from any town’, Imber is currently an uninhabited village in part of the British Army’s training grounds on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire
– The only building to survive in a reasonable condition is the church, with the rest becoming derelict or demolished by the Army. In 1943
– Trump’s U.S. Silicon Valley Tyrant Chums Bring Techno-Feudalism – and Slavery… Don DeBar, journalist, on fires in LA and Trump coming to power.
– Jungle Bus Michaela, on fact checkers, right wing Dutch politics, and our humourless modern world. Investigation into top civil servant boy rapes claim ends
– No charges August 19, 2017 A criminal investigation into rape charges against Dutch public prosecutor and top civil servant
– Unravelling The Scriptures channel – origin of Mizrahi Jews, Mizrahi Jew, member or descendant of the approximately 1.5 million Jews who lived in North Africa and the Middle East up until the mid-20th century
– How 10,000 Mizrahi Jewish Yemeni babies were kidnapped by the Zionists in the 1950s to do menial tasks and to increase numbers of Zionist children growing up in Israel, the UK and USA.
– Ben Abrahams on joint end time prophesies at the Global Vision 2000 Eschatology Conference.
– Stephen Knight, author of ‘The Brotherhood’, on royal links to Jack the Ripper murders through artist Sickert. 1980 Documentary
– Jack the Ripper case with U.K. Investigative Journalist Stephen Knight about a Masonic Conspiracy. 1888 infamous unsolved murder case
– Satanic cult at the heart of British government? ‘The Satanic Rights of Dracula’ British Hammer feature film (1973) Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One - Local and National News Review

Dr. Judith Brown, on the Israeli lobby, Meta's decision to get rid of fact checkers, and the Digital Services Act. Control of Information Substack. Trump and Facebook – a formidable partnership? Zuckerberg and Censorship – what will happen next? The Control of Information How the rich and powerful shape the media and control your mind. By Dr Judith Brown. Judith Brown Jan 17, 2025 If we don’t have free speech, then we just don’t have a free country…if this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple just like dominoes one by one… President Donald Trump, 15 December 2024. In earlier The Control of Information posts it has been revealed that the immensely rich control policy and information, and they operate above the level of governments. Fact check platforms have been a vital part of this control of information on behalf of the wealthy and powerful, without them, information cannot be censored to the same extent. With the support of policy enforcers, a category that includes governments, those who decide policy have organised a censorship regime that has spread across the world. This includes all forms of media. When such immense power meets obstacles, it can regroup and find different methods of achieving their aim of total control. Events of the past few weeks have however challenged their control. This article examines those events, and gives an insight into what might happen next. On 7 January 2025 the owner of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg made a statement concerning censorship practices on Facebook and Instagram. Zuckerberg stated that fact checkers have been too political, and the censorship regime they imposed had crossed a line, with fact checkers destroying more trust than they created. The takeaways from the Meta statement are (1) Meta will end its third party fact checking programme and move to a new system called ‘Community Notes’. (2) Meta will lift restrictions on some topics that are part of mainstream discourse, and focus enforcement on illegal and high-severity violations and (3) a more personalised approach will be made towards political content here. There were two external issues that affected Meta that may have been influential in this decision. (1) The election of Donald Trump to the American presidency, Trump having made statements to the effect that his administration would stop funding censorship and (2) the Zuckerberg statement occurred one day after Children’s Heath Defence (CHD) asked the Supreme Court to hear a censorship case against Meta. On 15 December 2024 President-elect Trump made an uncompromising statement on free speech immediately after his successful election campaign. This free speech initiative included a ban on federal money being used to label domestic speech as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’. It also included asking the Department of Justice to investigate the censorship regime. Digital platforms would be compelled to stop all censorship activities. Non-profits that are part of the censorship industry should be defunded, including American universities, with criminal penalties for non-compliance. A digital Bill of Rights would be passed, in which any government officials who wish to take down content would need a court order. Trump stated that when users have their content removed, throttled, shadow-banned, or otherwise restricted, they should have the right to be informed, to know why this is happening, and be given a right of appeal here...

Peruvian-born US film-maker Allan Frankovich, Alternative Views, on how the CIA controls big TV networks. Anne Widdecombe on freedom of speech.¤ Alternative Views 167. MAKING A MOVIE ABOUT THE CIA (1982) Alan Francovich is producer and director of the most definitive film on the CIA--the acclaimed three-hour documentary (Inside the CIA: On Company Business, 1980) --which took five years to make and required massive, world-wide research. The movie has won prizes at international film festivals and has been shown in over 30 countries. Francovich tells how the US government and the CIA have harassed him and have applied pressure to restrict the movie's distribution. Francovich also relates some new information about the CIA and analyses contemporary world events in light of this evidence.¤ Alan Francovich Recorded October, 1982 This movie is part of the collection: Alternative Views Producer: Frank Morrow Production Company: Alternative Information Network Audio/Visual: sound, color Language: English

As the Spy Cops Bill reached the House of Lords, we discussed previous miscarriages of justice and the media. Laurie Flynne, author of 'Untouchables', on Media North Show - corruption in Scotland Yard, Murdoch Empire and cops, list of amazing campaigns fighting injustice. Media North, Granville Williams and the Campaign for Press and Brioadcasting Freedom (CPBF). Spy Cops and the Media Spycops are on the rise. . But their threat expands beyond just activist groups - they have infiltrated and are collaborating with much of our media. Our Volunteer Slack, in partnership with The Campaign for Press and Broadcast Freedom and The Working Group, held this event with some speakers who are well versed in the tactics of the intelligence and police establishment: Stephen Dorril on the way the security services began to infiltrate left groups and the trade union movement in the 1960s. He has written extensively on the security services and is the author of Smear!: Wilson and the Secret State. Eileen Turnbull, researcher for the Shrewsbury 24 campaign, will talk about her work which led to the recent judicial review of the original trials of the pickets in 1973 and 1974. Laurie Flynn, journalist and co-author with Michael Gillard of Untouchables - Dirty Cops, Bent Justice & Racism in Scotland Yard. He will talk about his own experiences of the complicity of the media in ignoring miscarriages of justice and what happens when journalists like him tried to expose police corruption. the first thing i need to say is i need to make it loud and clear that people like me come in the wake of a host of campaigns of people who don't think democracy is dead justice is dead we don't accept injustice and uh for me Steve Dorril's book smear about the treatment of Harold Wilson is one of the most disturbing and inspirational books I've read in many years furthermore it goes along with another book that I find disturbing and inspirational empire secrets by Calder Walton along with these inspirations of people who research things I would place very very highly Eileen mark Turnbull's work their persistence in digging and digging and digging and not giving up but also let's put let's patch in all the other campaigns or grief Hillsborough Shrewsbury the Scots miners who have now got their charges quashed uh what about Grenfell tower what about Hillsborough what about the Lawrence family what about Dwayne Brookes what about Windrush what about all the campaigns i don't know about we we we are actually in the middle of a failing state a state that it's extremely well developed and covering things up it likes to cover things up it likes to delay and deny until you die and of course Dez Warren did die uh he was left hanging imprisoned uh perturbed drugged and these are deeply deeply shocking things uh which are all indicative not only of an ailing state but an imperial state that is dying they've spent a lot of time dying a lot of time covering things up and uh one of the campaigns i would like to mention is the campaign of the Mau-Mau victims in Kenya or Kenya i don't even know how to pronounce it properly but these people uh uncovered the fact that there were 1500 files hidden away in a place called Hanslope Park in in Milton Keynes, but they're left to do so what we have here is an entire building a vast building not a garden shed but a vast building were thousands and thousands of files about what Britain did in its in its imperial past that have been secreted away and are still secreted away and until there is a proper openness about all this we will carry on having scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal

Volker Reusing, Unser Politic blog, outside Bilderberg 2016, on financial destruction of any group that is anti EU. The Digital Services Act is now in EU Law - Are free-speech advocates worried by DSA? Such positive sentiments were not shared by many civil rights organisations in the EU, with a number expressing concerns regarding the impact the new rules would have on freedom of expression. Free Speech Ireland spokeswoman Sarah Hardiman said: “It claims to play a roll in downplaying risks of online communication and services. However, much like hate-speech legislation, it enables extremely wide-ranging powers for governmental organisations.” Hardiman went on to criticise the DSA’s ability to “shut down large social media platforms with very little notice”. “It has the power to censor and control speech deemed unfavourable to the EU,” she said. This latter concern has been a major sticking point for the legislation, with more than 60 NGOs writing to Breton in July to demand he walk back on threats the EU would look to use the DSA to cut off social media. Breton openly refused the demand, insisting that such shutdowns were fully compatible with freedom of speech. A US Senator has accused the country’s Federal Trade Commission of working with the European Union to help it impose its online censorship laws. Foreign lawmakers react to EU’s new web rules Pro-free-speech organisations are not the only ones who dislike the new law. Writing to the US Federal Trade Commission recently, prominent US Senator Ted Cruz alleged that the DSA unfairly targeted American businesses, describing the legislation as “Draconian”. He also wrote to the EU’s newly established office in San Francisco, accusing it of being a forward operating base to help enforce the DSA in a foreign country. “Facts indicate that the EU likely opened the San Francisco office to ensure that US businesses comply with its new draconian regulations,” he claimed. Cruz went on to demand that the office hand over documents to US authorities detailing the identities and roles of American government employees, officials and business representatives who have visited the outpost since it opened last September. Speaking to Brussels Signal, a spokesman for the EC refused to confirm or deny whether it was planning to meet the demand. “As a general rule we do not comment on correspondence received from third parties,” said EC foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano.

Christopher Story, Oct 2009, on the headquarters of Nazi Germany moving to Madrid. Filmed at the 3rd Lawful Rebellion Conference, London, 31st October 2009 by  I'm going to talk talk about Germany now in the first operation we were told about the Germans when they took us over about 1200 years ago well they're engaged in the same operation because contrary to the general view we did not win the war what happened was we finished Hitler off we personalised the war so we thought that when Hitler ceased to exist ostensibly I don't believe these stories about the fact that he survived the B that's nonsense we thought we'd won the war but that is not what happened in practice what happened was that in about 1941 it was in 1941 at the van conference the Nazi intelligencia realised that there must be a 50-50 chance that the Germans would lose the war and so what they did was they exported their big brains to Madrid and in 1942 they set up what it what they called the German geopolitical Center and if you go back into that part of History you'll see that um it is quite often mentioned that all the big hotels in Madrid were full of Gestapo and Germans now the German geopolitical Center did nothing but think about what would happen if Germany didn't succeed in taking over Europe and in other words it was a long-term Think Tank and they developed a long range deception strategy the long range deception strategy was originally set up set out in uh a work or um a book of seminars or a seminar document called the Europachen Wirdshaft Gemeinschaft (EEC) European Economic Community published in 1942 in Berlin which is mentioned in my book The European Union Collective details of which are out there the subtitle to European Union Collective which was published in 19 in 2002 so it's 7 years old but it's still entirely relevant is enemy of its member states the European Union is of course not our friend it is our enemy and has been all along because its purpose is to user our sovereignty and take us over and in fact what we now have what we now have in fact is a rubber stamp Parliament which as you know I think about 82% of stuff that comes into the House of Commons originates in uh Brussels now what happened was that in under Heath we handed over General powers to an unelected group in Brussels which is a self-perpetuating situation and the real problem with this enemy of ours is that it is on autopilot in fact

Criticism of former CIA front-man Raffi Berg, online editor at BBC news, for biased coverage of the Gaza genocide. In November 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, a high-profile, bloody assault on Gaza that made worldwide headlines. As Israel bombarded the densely-populated civilian area, Berg went on his own internal offensive, telling his BBC colleagues to word their stories in a way that does not blame or “put undue emphasis” on Israel. Instead, leaked emails show, he encouraged journalists to present the attack as an operation “aimed at ending rocket fire from Gaza,” thereby framing Hamas as the aggressor. Another Berg email instructed his coworkers to “Please remember, Israel doesn’t maintain a blockade around Gaza. Egypt controls the southern border” – a highly contestable opinion not shared by the United Nations, which declared that Israel was the occupying power besieging the strip. Extraordinary Revelations Shortly after Operation Pillar of Defense, Berg was promoted, becoming head of the BBC’s Middle East desk. This position gives him enormous influence in shaping the platform’s presentation of Israel’s current war on Gaza. In this role, he has helped turn the network into “systematic Israeli propaganda,” according to one journalist quoted by Jones in his Drop Site investigation. “This guy’s entire job is to water down everything that’s too critical of Israel,” said another. The BBC staff Jones talked to painted a picture of a pro-Israel zealot systematically suppressing any content or information that would paint Tel Aviv in a negative light. A micromanager, numerous journalists reportedly attempted to notify management of their issues with Berg, but their complaints fell on deaf ears. “Almost every correspondent you know has an issue with him,” one staffer stated. “He has been named in multiple meetings, but [management] just ignore it.” “How much power he has is wild,” another journalist told Jones, who explained that essentially every story or segment featuring Israel would have to be signed off by Berg first, even leaving other editors in “extreme fear” of commissioning anything without his approval. Berg is alleged to have made extensive pre-publication edits to others’ stories, changing the framing of news events to shield Israel from blame. One example of this is the whitewashing of the Israeli attack on the funeral of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. In May 2022, Israeli snipers shot the Al Jazeera anchor in the head and proceeded to lie about their culpability. Israeli forces subsequently attacked the public funeral, beating mourners and firing tear gas. The BBC’s text, allegedly penned by Berg himself, read: Violence broke out at the funeral in East Jerusalem of reporter Shireen Abu Aqla, killed during an Israeli military operation in the occupied West Bank. Her coffin was jostled as Israeli police and Palestinians clashed as it left a hospital in East Jerusalem. Thus, Abu Akleh’s murder by Israeli forces was downgraded to a mere death during an operation (with no perpetrator mentioned), while a police attack on a funeral procession was presented as a “clash” between rival factions, presumably of roughly equal responsibility. A more recent example of this, Jones claims, comes from a July story about IDF soldiers setting an attack dog on Muhammed Bhar, a severely disabled Gazan man, and letting him bleed to death. Under Berg’s supervision, the original headline ran: “The Lonely Death of Gaza Man with Down’s Syndrome.” Only after a gigantic worldwide outcry did the BBC change its framing to note anything about how Bhar met his end. “There has to be a moral line drawn in the sand. And if this story isn’t it, then what?” one BBC journalist said, commenting on the affair.

Technocrat-in-chief Kier Starmer major pre-WEF Davos speech on AI. . What is Starmer’s plan to turn Britain into an AI superpower? Energy access, data storage and privacy concerns will prove obstacles, say experts Sir Keir Starmer has launched a plan to harness artificial intelligence across the public and private sectors, which he hopes will cut costs and turbocharge UK economic growth. The AI Opportunities Action Plan, written by venture capitalist Matt Clifford, sets out 50 recommendations. All of them have been approved by Starmer, to ensure Britain is “one of the great AI superpowers” and an “AI maker” rather than an “AI taker”. But experts have cautioned there are major obstacles ahead, from access to energy and computing power, to entrenched public concerns about governance of the rapidly evolving technology and profligate use of private data. What are the government’s plans with health data? Starmer has broadly outlined plans to give researchers and AI companies access to public data sets, including anonymised NHS patient data, in an effort to make Britain an attractive place for businesses and to improve productivity in the struggling health service. Ministers intend for NHS data to form part of a new “national data library” and five public data sets are likely to form the first tranche when the project is up and running. The prime minister did not confirm on Monday whether these data sets would be sold for commercial use, and whether work was being undertaken to determine how the data would be priced. He said, however, that while it is important the government maintains “control” of health records, “I don’t think we should have a defensive stance that will inhibit the sorts of breakthroughs that we need”. Nell Thornton, a fellow at the Health Foundation, said that the think-tank’s polling showed that 75 per cent of the public were happy to share at least some of their data to develop AI systems within the NHS. Still, health specialists and privacy campaigners are sceptical the government will ensure the necessary guardrails are in place to protect private health information and the service itself. Saif Abed, a former NHS doctor and expert in cyber security and public health, said he “fears [AI’s] wanton deployment without stringent safeguards will make the NHS vulnerable”. “Who will perform the governance, audit and oversight function on behalf of the NHS of all these suppliers? How will suppliers be penalised for poor behaviour?,” he added.

The UK Technocracy is being developed by WEF agents in government entirely out of democratic policy and regulation - Brian Gerrish interviews Ben Rubin on the power of big tech. Public-Private Partnerships and Disruptive Innovation: Big Tech and Government Founders Forum Group is a dynamic global community and a collection of businesses designed to empower entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey. It encompasses a network of the world’s most inspiring founders, innovative investors, CEOs, and impactful leaders. The group is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial innovation and prioritizes the needs of today's founders through networking events, education, professional services, investment, and philanthropy. LinkedIn: Brent Hoberman The Times (2024): Elon Musk should also help Britain to slash public spending (Archived) 180 Studios: Founders Forum Group Founders Intelligence: Entrepreneur Powered Consulting Founders Forum Group (2024): Innovation Drivers: Tracking Big Tech’s Support For European Startups About Amazon UK (2020): John Boumphrey appointed UK Country Manager for Amazon Deloitte: Debbie Weinstein - Vice President, Google & Managing Director of Google UK & Ireland Tech Nation: The UK network for ambitious tech entrepreneurs Cambridge Enterprise: Gerard Grech CBE The World Economic Forum: Rohan Silva Tech Nation: Tech Nation Global Talent Visa Report 2024: 10 Years of Global Talent in UK Tech

Martin Gilbertson on 7/7 London bombings. Martin Gilbertson, 45, says he produced anti-western propaganda videos, secured websites and encrypted emails for Muslims who were involved in an Islamic bookshop and a youth centre attended by bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer. Mr Gilbertson was also employed to establish firewalls that would safeguard both places from outside interference. Over two years, he was commissioned to make "presentations" in the backrooms of the Iqra bookshop, and at Hamara Youth Access Point, established later and visited regularly by Khan, a youth worker, and Tanweer. Khan and Tanweer were also, says Mr Gilbertson, involved in the Mullah Crew, a local gang which used to train at what was known as the "al-Qaida gym". Mr Gilbertson says the gym, which he visited, was linked to the bookshop, a few metres - Claim over London bombers warning The pair made "anti-Western" material, Mr Gilbertson said - BBC Saturday, 24 June 2006 A computer expert warned police about the activities of two of the 7 July London bombers in 2003, he says. Martin Gilbertson told the Guardian he was concerned by material Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer produced at a West Yorkshire bookshop. He also told the BBC he wrote to local police to express his concerns about the "anti-Western" material but that no action was taken. A West Yorkshire police spokesman said it was impossible to track the letter. Mr Gilbertson, who is a former Hell's Angel, said he came into contact with the two when he worked on computers at the Islamic bookshop in Beeston, Leeds, where both the men lived. They were really, very violently against the British society They may have trusted him because they perceived him to be anti-government, Mr Gilbertson told BBC's Newsnight programme. "I worked for them for nearly four years but they were really, very violently against the British society," he added. "They actually tried to convert me to Islam. "I was tired of the daily grind of being rammed down my throat that I was, in their own words, a Satanist because I didn't believe in Allah." 'No trace' Mr Gilbertson says his concerns over the material they were producing were so strong that, in October 2003, he went to his local police station to report his fears. He then put his concerns down in writing on the advice of officers, he said. "In 2003 I sent them some disks that had been produced by the bookshop in Beeston, which was very anti-Western, anti-Iraq, anti-everything and very anti-Semitic. "Also included in it was a list of names, which included both Tanweer and Khan." He was "not the only person in Beeston concerned about them", he added. But West Yorkshire Police say there is now no trace of the letter or the list of names. It says it will be impossible now to track what happened to his letter or to say whether Mr Gilbertson's information was acted upon. Shadow home secretary David Davis said Mr Gilbertson's claims reinforced the need for an independent inquiry into the 7 July attacks. "It is vital that the public can be confident that every action is being taken to protect their safety and if there are any weaknesses in our intelligence operations that these are corrected immediately," he said. Fifty-two people were killed and hundreds injured by four suicide bombers on the London Underground and a bus in Tavistock Square on 7 July last year.

Satirist, who Tony worked with at the BBC, Chris Morris gives a conference talk about Wes Streeting, General Practice and the NHS. I realised that things have changed a lot and that we now know that what you're meant to do with antibiotics is develop bacterial resistance as fast as possible so that lots of us die and then there are enough doctors to go around - so I was thinking about all this as I struggled with the symptoms caused by Katie's unnecessary [Laughter] when I got there written in splotchy paint upon the 'sorry closed' and underneath an arrow saying doctor down there and I looked down the road and saw one of those red and white tents that you used to see when people used to mend the road and I went over to potential oil in the flap and there was a haunted looking woman sitting on a box with the phone's about it yeah Dr Dunmore I said scarcely recognising the ravaged husk of my once named doctor yes she said that this isn't a contact you're not contacting me even though it may look like it this is not a contact they even that's the first Contact I've got all these contacts on the phone I've got 406 of them waiting and I've got to get through them all could you sign this please and she signed me an old PPE blue rubber glove which had I did not contact you said if I don't do all of this my contract's toast we are trying we're really trying at which point there was another voice concentrate on the patient don't talk about it yourself and I realised there was a partition in the tent and I hands drew it back and there was a man hunched over an iPad punching furiously into it I said hello who are you he said I am the Federated data platform I'm here to automatically assess this Doctor's practice of medicine for delivery against government goals I said oh well I thought you were meant to be a sort of system a computer system very funny he said are you implying that we fall behind schedule are you implying that the new NHS IT system which shows every interaction between doctor and patients on a dashboard in Whitehall was conceived by control freaks who were also idiots who had no idea how to build it why don't you cry the new Health Center down the road he said they've got a really good way he saw me on the website there was actually a sort of promotional video and all the doctors were sort of swaggering down at corridors and expanding with uh jacket slung over their shoulders looking very much like they worked for Accenture and I said okay I'll go and give that a go and I went in and the first person I saw was one of the doctors from the promotional video and I said oh hello I've just seen you walking down a corridor can I help he said well yes it happens yes I've got some very alarming symptoms I said well he won't be seeing me then he said I'm a doctor and he pointed to some shattered looking youngsters huddling in a corner just beyond a statue of Julian Tudor heart being stretched on a rack until they were cancelled and at that point my chest exploded and I fell to my knees to see our nutritionist said thanks I said my own practice didn't have one of those but it did open during covert and the thought occurred to me and I said to him did you open during covert of course not he said but we did set up a special vaccination Center and that delivered a huge and undeniable benefits to all of our shareholders

Imber author Gordon Lewis, on unfriendly fire cover-up in 1942, and 1961 mass trespass on Salisbury Plain.  'Little Imber on the down, seven miles from any town', Imber is currently an uninhabited village in part of the British Army’s training grounds on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, seven miles north east of the town of Warminster. The entire civilian population was evicted in 1943 to provide an exercise area for American troops preparing for the invasion of Europe during the Second World War. After the war villagers were not allowed to return to their homes and the village remains under the control of the Ministry of Defence. Gordon Lewis is a historian, writer and speaker on a wide range of subjects but his passion is the history of Wiltshire. He regularly visits Imber when it is open to the public and is often invited to give emotive presentations on the history of Wiltshire's ghost village. The first documentary evidence of Imber’s existence comes from Saxon times, with a mention of the village in 967. Imber is also recorded in the Domesday Book, at which time it is believed to have had a population of around fifty. The village’s church of St Giles dates back to the 12th century and has notable wall-paintings from the 15th century. By the 14th century the population of the village had risen to around 250, and eventually peaked at 440 as recorded in the census of 1851, declining to around 150 by the time of Imber’s abandonment. Imber was always an isolated community, Salisbury Plain being relatively sparsely populated, and most of its residents were employed in agriculture or work that directly depended on it. The village had an elongated form like a linear village, and its main street followed the course of a stream known as Imber Dock.

The only building to survive in a reasonable condition is the church, with the rest becoming derelict or demolished by the Army. In 1943 there was also a Baptist chapel (built in 1839, demolished in late 1970s), a post office, and a pub called the Bell Inn, which still stands; as does the manor house, Imber Court. Also still standing are a farmhouse, farm cottages, schoolroom and four “council house” type blocks built in 1938. In the late 19th century the War Office began buying land on Salisbury Plain, primarily to the east of Imber, and using it for manoeuvres. Beginning in the late 1920s farms around Imber were purchased, as well as the land on which the village itself sat. The pressures of agricultural depression, combined with the good prices offered by the military, encouraged the sale of land, with few being put off by the new conditions of their tenancy. This allowed the War Office to assume control and evict the residents if necessary. By the time of the Second World War, almost all of the land in and around Imber, with the exception of the church, vicarage, chapel, schoolroom and Bell Inn, belonged to the War Office. On 1 November 1943, with preparations for the Allied invasion of mainland Europe underway, the people of Imber were called to a meeting in the village schoolroom and given 47 days’ notice to leave their homes. Imber was to be used by US forces to practice street fighting. Many of the buildings in Imber suffered shell and explosion damage after the war when UK military operations began, and, additionally eroded by the weather, quickly fell into disrepair. Although the villagers had been told they could return in six months, this was never allowed. At the end of the war, efforts were made to restore Imber to its pre-war condition – although there was very little damage – but the decision was taken not to relinquish control. A public inquiry also found in favour of Imber’s continued military use,but it was decided that the church would be maintained, and would be open for worship on the Saturday closest to St Giles’s day each year – a practice that continues to this day.

Videos of complete show - Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Netanyahu at the 7/7 London Bombings | Tony on Brexit & (4th Reich) Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Devil Worship: The Rise Of Satanism | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1976-8) | George Monbiot (1995-7) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two - International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Trump's U.S. Silicon Valley Tyrant Chums Bring Techno-Feudalism - and Slavery... Don DeBar, journalist, on fires in LA and Trump coming to power. The foundation of Varoufakis’s argument rests on the observation that the digital giants—companies like Google, Uber, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon—have amassed unprecedented power and wealth, not merely through traditional capitalist means but by establishing monopolies over digital platforms and resources. These companies, according to Varoufakis, are the new lords of a techno-feudal system, where the “cloud” serves as their domain from which they extract rent, much like feudal lords extracted rent from land. This techno-feudalism is characterised by the concentration of capital and power in the hands of a few, a phenomenon that, while not entirely new, has reached new heights in the digital age. The traditional capitalist notion of competition and market dynamics has given way to a system where access to digital platforms is controlled by these giants, effectively stifling competition and innovation from smaller entities. Europe’s lag in developing its own digital giants exacerbates this issue, making it dependent on American and Chinese tech monopolies. Varoufakis further argues that this concentration of power and capital has significant implications for taxation and the distribution of wealth. Amazon’s operations in Europe, where it generates billions in revenue while paying minimal taxes, exemplify the skewed financial benefits that favor these digital overlords. This, he posits, is not merely a failure of capitalism but a transformation into something more sinister that mirrors feudalism, where societal wealth is siphoned to the top, leaving the masses with fewer economic opportunities and benefits. The shift to techno-feudalism, as Varoufakis describes, is also marked by a mutation within capitalism itself. Capitalism, in its quest for growth and dominance, has birthed a form of capital—cloud capital—that has ultimately turned on its creator. This cloud capital, controlled by the tech giants, has the power to extract rents and surpluses from both the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, redefining the economic landscape and power dynamics. Varoufakis’s insights into the role of digital currencies and payment systems further highlight the transformation underway. The development of digital currencies by China, contrasted with Europe’s lack of similar innovation, underscores the shifting balance of economic power and the emergence of new centres of economic control and influence. In discussing the geopolitical implications of this shift, Varoufakis points to the rising tensions between the United States and China. The competition is not merely economic but also technological, with both nations vying for dominance in the digital realm. This rivalry, he fears, could lead to conflict, emphasising the importance of understanding techno-feudalism not just as an economic phenomenon but as a factor reshaping global politics and power structures. Furthermore, Varoufakis critiques the liberal notion of the individual, arguing that the pervasive influence of big tech on our lives has eroded the autonomy and privacy that are central to liberal democracy. The data collected by these tech giants on individuals’ preferences, behaviours, and interactions not only fuels their economic dominance but also challenges the very notion of individual freedom and autonomy. In conclusion, Varoufakis’s discussion of techno-feudalism presents a compelling and concerning vision of the future, where the digital revolution has not liberated humanity but has instead entrenched new forms of inequality and control. The rise of digital giants as the new feudal lords of the 21st century, wielding power over digital realms and extracting economic rents from society, signals a profound shift in the economic and social order. This transition challenges us to rethink our understanding of capitalism, democracy, and freedom in the digital age, urging a re evaluation of the systems and structures that govern our lives.

Jungle Bus Michaela, on fact checkers, right wing Dutch politics, and our humourless modern world. Investigation into top civil servant boy rapes claim ends, no charges August 19, 2017 A criminal investigation into rape charges against a top civil servant has failed to turn up any evidence him and the case has now been dropped. The decision brings to an end 10 years of legal wrangling about whether Joris Demmink, former director general of the justice ministry, raped two boys in Turkey in the late 1990s. Demmink (69) was accused of raping the boys, aged 12 and 14, in 2007 by a Turkish national jailed for life in 2002 for murder and drugs dealing. The case was picked up his lawyer Adèle van der Plas, on behalf of one of the boys in 2010. The other refused to press charges. An initial investigation by the public prosecution department failed to turn up any evidence and in 2015, the appeal court ordered a formal criminal investigation. The results of that three year probe are, the public prosecution says, conclusive. ‘I am convinced that the crimes so as described in the complaints never happened,’ justice ministry official Ronald Steen told the Volkskrant. Paperwork The investigators combed all Demmink’s papers, bank statements, travel documents, minutes of meetings and concert visits which took place in the period the rapes were said to have happened but failed to find any evidence he was in Turkey. The documents were also checked thoroughly to find out if they had been forged, officials told the Volkskrant. Turkey refused to cooperate with the investigation but a Turkish document purporting to show he was in Turkey is a fake, the investigators say. Relieved Demmink’s lawyer Jan Leliveld told the Volkskrant that his client is relieved about the ‘crystal clear’ decision of the court. ‘But he regrets all the accusations that have given shape to his life over the past 10 years, Leliveld said. Demmink’s name has also cropped up in a secret investigation known as the Rolodex inquiry into child prostitution rings in the Netherlands in the 1980s. In December 2014, Demmink lost his claim against the AD newspaper which published an article about his alleged contacts with a child pimp. The AD reported on the alleged contacts in October 2012, based on three different eye witnesses. The paper also quoted another source as saying boys had been picked up in Demmink’s car.

Unravelling The Scriptures channel - origin of Mizrahi Jews, Mizrahi Jew, member or descendant of the approximately 1.5 million Jews who lived in North Africa and the Middle East up until the mid-20th century and whose ancestors did not previously reside in Europe. Collectively labeled ʿEdot Ha-Mizraḥ (Hebrew: “Ethnic Groups of the East”) in Israel upon their mass migration into the country after 1948, they were distinguished from the two other major groups of Jews—the Ashkenazim (a tradition rooted in the Rhineland) and the Sephardim (a tradition rooted in Spain). Have you ever heard of Mizrahi Jews? They're the ones who chose not to leave the Middle East and settled in countries surrounding Israel. The Jewish diaspora in the Middle East outside the land of Israel began around the 6th Century BC during the Babylonian captivity this also LED some Jews to flee to Egypt and other areas of the diaspora especially in the Middle East and the Mcgreb in the Megreb a region inhabited by Semitic peoples such as Berbers and Arabs since Antiquity Jews also established communities additionally some Jews migrated to Persia and Yemen it is important to note that in North Africa in the Megreb the population was predominantly a mixture of Semitic and Indo-European peoples although there were Native Semitic tribes of African origin the predominance in the region since Antiquity was of Semitic and Indo-European peoples descendants of Jafeth this is evidenced in ancient murals representing peoples of Libya and other regions of North Africa which did not resemble Kushitic African peoples but rather Semites and Indo-europeans as Islam began to spread in the 7th Century ad Jews living under Muslim rule eventually became demies the term DIYs refers to people inhabiting an Islamic country who do not follow Islam Jews were recognised as people of the book by Muslims and due to the historical kinship between Arabs and Jews were allowed to practice their own religion and Jewish beliefs albeit with an inferior status in Islamic Society it is curious to note how Jews and Muslims managed to coexist in certain Harmony for a period of time considering that despite being called people of the book by Muslims Jews still had an inferior status this coexistence may have been facilitated by the mutual recognition of genetic kinship between Arabs and Jews both belonging to the Semitic race for much of History

How 10,000 Mizrahi Jewish Yemeni babies were kidnapped by the Zionists in the 1950s to do menial tasks and to increase numbers of Zionist children growing up in Israel, the UK and USA. Uncivilized Youtube Channel - You might have heard about children in Gaza going missing, kidnapped by Israeli soldiers. Israel’s done this kind of thing before. Between 1948 and the early 1950s, Israel kidnapped thousands of children - Jewish children. It's known as the Yemenite, Mizrahi and Balkan Children Affair, and it's one example of the core philosophy that binds Israel to every other settler-colony in the world. - The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies - New information has come to light about thousands of mostly Yemeni children believed to have been abducted in the 1950s. Israel disappeared babies 'No one wanted me to know the truth,' said Gil Grunbaum, pictured in the late 1950s with his adoptive parents [Courtesy of Gil Grunbaum] Tel Aviv – For nearly 40 years, everything about Gil Grunbaum’s life was a lie, including his name. He was not, as he had always assumed, the only son of wealthy Holocaust survivors who owned a baby garments factory near Tel Aviv. Grunbaum had been stolen from his mother by doctors at a hospital in northern Israel in 1956, moments after she gave birth. His biological parents – recent immigrants to Israel from Tunisia – were told their child had died during delivery. They were sent home without a death certificate and denied the chance to see their baby’s body or a grave. Despite his darker looks, it never occurred to Grunbaum that the parents who raised him were not biologically related to him. Now aged 60, he says the discovery was “the most shocking moment imaginable. Everyone I loved – my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins – had been deceiving me for decades.” And so had government officials. “Even when I discovered by chance that I was adopted, the welfare services did everything they could to try to stop me finding my biological family,” Grunbaum told Al Jazeera. “No one wanted me to know the truth.” After a three-year search in the late 1990s, he finally learned his family’s name – Maimon – and tracked down his birth mother to the suburbs of Haifa in northern Israel. Some 41 years after they were separated, the two met for the first time, in an emotional reunion. Grunbaum’s story would be deeply disturbing if it was unique. But growing evidence suggests that there could be thousands of other children who were abducted in Israel’s first decade. Despite his darker looks, it never occurred to Grunbaum that the parents who raised him were not biologically related to him [Courtesy of Gil Grunbaum] Despite his darker looks, it never occurred to Grunbaum that the parents who raised him were not biologically related to him [Courtesy of Gil Grunbaum] Last weekend, Tzachi Hanegbi, a government minister tasked with studying the disappearances, conceded that at least “hundreds” of children had been taken without their parents’ consent. It is the first time a government official has ever made such a public admission. After weeks of re-examining evidence presented to a commission of inquiry in the late 1990s, Hanegbi told Israeli TV: “They took the children and gave them away. I don’t know where.” The Kedmi inquiry, which had issued its findings in 2001, found that as many as 5,000 children may have disappeared in the state’s first six years alone, although it examined only 1,000 of those cases. Jacob Kedmi, a former Supreme Court judge who died last month, concluded that in most cases, the children had died and been hurriedly buried. Hanegbi’s admission appears to confirm allegations long made by the families – and supported by scholars and journalists – that the inquiry was little more than a whitewash by the Israeli establishment. Kedmi placed the hundreds of thousands of documents relating to testimonies and evidence under lock for 70 years. They will not be made publicly available until 2071. The first consequence is likely to be mounting pressure on the government to open the state’s adoption files so that the true extent of the disappearances can be gauged and families reunited. But Hanegbi’s otherwise evasive comments will do little to end suspicions that officials are still actively trying to avoid confronting the most contentious questions: Why were the infants taken from their families? Did hospitals and welfare organisations traffic children in Israel’s early years? And were state bodies complicit in the mass abductions? When asked by Israeli TV programme Meet the Press whether government officials were involved, Hanegbi would say only: “We may never know.” His reluctance to be more forthcoming may be understandable. Shoshana Madmoni-Gerber, an Israel academic who has written a book on the disappearances titled Israeli Media and the Framing of Internal Conflict: The Yemenite Babies Affair, noted that the “forcible transfer” of children from one ethnic group to another satisfied the United Nations definition of “genocide”. The 1951 convention includes the crime of “complicity”.

Ben Abrahams on joint end time prophesies at the Global Vision 2000 Eschatology Conference.

Stephen Knight, author of 'The Brotherhood', on royal links to Jack the Ripper murders through artist Sickert.  1980 Documentary about the Jack the Ripper case with U.K. Investigative Journalist Stephen Knight about a Masonic Conspiracy. 1888 infamous unsolved murder case in the east end of London. Book the basis for the movies 'Murder by Decree' and 'From Hell'. Gary Rhodes Director. Australia. The Case For The Prosecution "Judge's" Instructions Inside the Brotherhood, by Martin Short Jack the Ripper is the name applied to the murderer or murderers, never caught, of several prostitutes in London in 1888. You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons...and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him...It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations. - There are many theories about this case, including some interesting aspects related to Freemasonry. It is useful for Masons to have the facts about it. "Prosecutor's" Case This is what a prosecutor might say to attempt to show that Freemasons were involved in the Jack the Ripper murders --- Queen Victoria's son, later King Edward VII, was Grand Master of Masons in England in 1888. His son, Eddy, would have become King if his grandmother and father died before him. Eddy, 24 in 1888, aided by a carriage driver, made secret visits to a London artist named Walter Sickert and his friends. Eddy met and had a baby with an illiterate Catholic "shop-girl" named Annie and they were married secretly. Sickert hired a nanny for Eddy and Annie's baby daughter. The nanny was Mary (or Marie) Kelly, who, with Sickert, was a witness at Eddy's and Annie's wedding. Britain then was in great political turmoil, and if the country had found out that someone so close to the throne married someone like Annie it could have led to the end of the monarchy and all those who benefitted from the British political and social system, especially the Freemasons. Jack the Ripper, by Stephen Knight Word of all this got to Queen Victoria, who ordered her Prime Minister, the Marquess of Salisbury, to "fix" it. Salisbury, a prominent Freemason, arranged to have Annie placed in an insane asylum where she died 32 years later. Their daughter later became Sickert's mistress, had a son with him, and died in 1950. Sickert died in 1942. Eddy died in 1892. Marie Kelly became a drunken prostitute and shared her information with three fellow prostitutes, who threatened to expose Eddy's actions. Prime Minister Salisbury decided this threat had to be ended. He called on his high ranking Masonic brethren, particularly Sir William Gull, physician to the Queen, the doctor who certified Annie as insane. Besides being a doctor, politically well-connected, and a high level Freemason, Gull was mentally unbalanced. Gods Banker Gull decided to kill the women according to Masonic ritual. When Prime Minister Salisbury and other Masons in the government and police recognized what Gull was doing, even though they did not agree with his methods they arranged a coverup because they were required to keep the secrets of a Freemason, and appreciated what Gull was accomplishing. Gull convinced Netley the carriage driver and Sickert the painter to assist him to identify the 4 prostitutes. Then one by one they offered them lifts in their carriage, murdered the women and mutilated their bodies as prescribed in Masonic rituals. They then dropped the bodies in selected locations. Gull killed the victims in the following manner: (a) On Aug. 31, 1888, Mary Ann (Polly) Nichols' throat was cut very deeply, starting at one ear and circling her throat, and her abdomen was cut open (b) On Sept. 8, 1888, Annie Chapman's throat was "ferociously" severed from one side to the other, her tongue protruded between her teeth and was swollen, her abdomen was entirely opened, all of her small intestines were removed and placed above her right shoulder but still attached, part of her stomach and "pubes" cut out and placed above her left shoulder, her uterus, womb, portion of vagina and most of the bladder removed. Her jewelry and coins were removed and two brass rings were placed at her feet. (c) On Sept. 30, 1888, Elizabeth (Liz) Stride's throat was cut from one jaw to the other. (d) On Sept. 30, 1888, Gull thought he was killing the last and most important victim, Marie Kelly, but he mistakenly murdered Catherine (Kate) Eddowes (who lived with a man named "Kelly," and used the name Mary Ann Kelly). Her throat was cut "from ear to ear," nose completely cut off, part of right ear cut off, severe cutting of other parts of her face in the shape of triangles, abdomen all exposed, intestines drawn out and placed over her right shoulder, a 2 foot piece removed and placed between her body and left arm in a careful manner. Her left kidney and part of her womb had been cut out and taken away. Nearby, police found a piece of her cut apron which fit exactly with the part still on her body. It was wet with blood, and just above it a message was found in white chalk on black bricks saying: "The Juwes are The men That Will not be Blamed for nothing." (e) After discovering the mistake with Eddowes, on Nov. 9, 1888, Gull and his allies murdered the real Mary Kelly in her apartment. Her throat was cut with the tissue severed "all around," whole surface of abdomen and thighs removed and abdominal cavity emptied, breasts cut off, arms mutilated, face hacked beyond recognition. Her uterus, kidneys, and one breast were under her head, the other breast by her right foot, liver between her feet, intestines by her right side, and spleen by her left side. Skin removed from her abdomen and thighs was on a bedside table. Part of one lung was missing, as was her heart. It appeared that the fireplace there had been used....

Satanic cult at the heart of British government? 'The Satanic Rights of Dracula' British Hammer feature film. THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA (1973) PETER CUSHING, CHRISTOPHER LEE - A Secret Service agent barely escapes from an English country house, in which satanic rituals are being celebrated. Before he dies of his wounds, he reveals to his superiors that four prominent members of society – a government minister, a peer, a general and a famous scientist – are involved in a cult led by Chin Yang. Photos of the four dignitaries taken by the agent are developed, and a fifth photo, apparently showing an empty doorway, is assumed to be a mistake. In order to avoid any reprisals by the minister, Secret Service official Colonel Mathews calls in Scotland Yard's Inspector Murray to work on the case independently. Murray suggests consulting a noted occult expert, Professor Lorrimer Van Helsing. The cult kidnaps the Secret Service secretary Jane, who is later bitten by Count Dracula. Murray, Secret Service agent Torrence and Van Helsing's granddaughter Jessica arrive at the country house. They separate; Murray and Torrence investigate inside the house, where they meet Chin Yang. Jessica enters the house through the cellar, where she finds Jane chained to a wall; she is revealed to be a vampire. The ensuing commotion awakens other female vampires who are likewise imprisoned, but they attempt to feed on Jessica. The agents hear Jessica's screams and come to her rescue. Murray kills Jane with a stake, and he escapes the grounds with Jessica and Torrence. Meanwhile, Van Helsing visits his scientist friend, Julian Keeley, whom he recognised among the four conspirators. The mentally unstable Keeley is involved in bacteriological research designed to create a virulent strain of the bubonic plague. Van Helsing is shot by a guard and passes out. When he revives, Keeley's dead body hangs from the ceiling, and the plague bacillus is gone. Keeley referred to the 23rd of the month, which Van Helsing discovers is the "Sabbath of the Undead". Keeley's research notes lead Van Helsing to the reclusive property developer D. D. Denham, who funded Keeley's research. Van Helsing speculates that the fifth photo of an empty doorway may actually have been of Dracula, whose image cannot be captured; he theorises that Dracula wants to finally die, but in his evil, will want to destroy all of humanity with him. Van Helsing visits Denham in his headquarters (built on the church yard where Dracula died in the previous film) and discovers that he is actually Dracula. He tries to shoot Dracula with a silver bullet, but is beaten by the Count's conspirators. Dracula decides that killing Van Helsing would be too simple and has him moved to the country house. Jessica, Murray, Mathews and Torrence, while observing the country house, are attacked by snipers. Torrence and Mathews are killed, and Murray and Jessica are captured. Murray awakes in the cellar and escapes the clutches of Chin Yang, revealed to be a vampire herself.
COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download]
~Full interviews with...
#2 - Don DeBar Trump 2.0, Jimmy Carter, LA wildfires and the new 'WEF feudalism' - 01:00:00
#3 - Michaela Smith on Fact Checkers, NATO's Mark Rutte, Dutch nationalism - 01:00:00
#4 - Judith Brown, on Fact Checkers Yemen, Israel and the Middle East - 01:00:00
#5 - MI5 Special Branch, Spy Cops and the Media, Stephen Dorril, Laurie Flynn (2021) - 01:15:00
#6 - PM Sir Keir Starmer's VISION for an AI driven UK - 00:40:00
#7 - Ben Rubin secret programme to digitise Britain, UK Column Brent Hoberman, Founders Factory - 00:30:00
#8 - Allan Francovich Alternative Views, making On Company Business CIA film (1982) - 01:00:00
#9 - Christopher Story, EU is corrupt, the 4th Reich Organised Crime Gang (Oct 2009) - 00:25:00
#10 - Volker Reusing, Bilderberg exposed in Dresden 3, EU plan to censor & privatise police, civil service & armies - 00:20:00
#11 - Gordon Lewis, Imber Then & Now, 1942 cover-up, 1943 evacuation, 1961 protest and Imber opening times - 01:00:00
#12 - Stephen Knight, Jack The Ripper The Final Solution (1980) - 00:40:00
#13 - Make Orwell Fiction Again God v Globalism Russell Brand John Campbell You were Warned - 00:10:00

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