This week’s archive radio show revisits January of 2021 whilst Joe Biden was transitioning into the White House — and I warned that since his cabinet and his advisory team was utterly dominated by war profiteers then our new president was likely to very quickly get us into another war…
Why am I always so prophetic? I really wish I was wrong more often. Anyway — Joe Biden represents the Warmonger’s apotheosis — so watch your asses and your pocketbooks…
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
*The News & Commentary section of this week’s show originally aired on January 1st, 2021
Part 1:
Station ID / Disclaimer 00:00—00:16
TB Intro Music: Focus 00:16—02:03
Housebroken Monsters Music: Hanna-Barbera — Arthur Lyman 02:03—05:00
The Warmongers Apotheosis Music: Mystic Knights of The Oingo Boingo — ROMZ Record Crew — Sam Spence — TriBeCaStan — Bassoon Brothers — Tod Dockstader — Hair Stylistics 05:00—26:52
Part 2:
Disclaimer / Station ID 26:52—27:22
Keep an Eye Out… Music: Meco — Teletubbies — Mike Oldfield (2X) 27:22—32:21
See For Yourself Music: Denki Groove 32:21—36:11
Fake News - or Actual Reality? You Decide Not Music: TriBeCaStan 36:08—40:45