Published the Day of April 30th, 2023 The GOPs War on the Future, The War on Generation E and Their Right to be Afraid of the Future With Clips from Roland Martin Unfiltered, The Chat Room Internet Program & The Thom Hartmann Program Please Donate to keep CWB Alive! Donate to: CashApp $CWBPodcast & Paypal @CWBPodcast 12 Month Goals: 300 at $5 100 at $10 100 at $20 25 at $21+ The GOP has been waging war against the future. . . .no I am serious, they have been waging war against the future. The war hasn’t been literal, but it has been practically against the future. Peak Oil was discussed as a certainty for human industrial needs back in the 1970s; the impact oil was having on the environment (i.e. the Greenhouse effect or Climate Change) was cited as a near certainty a decade earlier though science wouldn’t catch up with the certainness of the prediction until the late 80s and early 90s (still over 30 years ago). Both required swift institutional level action to stave off the negative consequences of both phenomena. This institutional action would have to be matched by social cultural adaptation, as well as social economic evolution away from fossil fuels and the carbon emissions they produced; unfortunately, the selfish ones managing the centralized planning structures in Capitalist Industry, Finances and Economic philosophies had other plans. They scoffed at this new outlook, this new required and responsibility, instead decides to aim to recreate what had been destroyed (partially) by the New Deal, that being unlimited corporate power and the ability to control every aspect in human life (which naturally occurred with that power). And thus they have built an economic engine centered around this vision, holding off the necessary changes required to avert the predictable disasters which peak oil and over warming of the atmosphere would create. Sounds interesting right, well this is just an introduction to the forthcoming podcast episode (part). Music Used in the opening, Curtis Mayfield’s Think, Brandy’s The Definition and Marvin Gaye’s Inner City Blues
Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.11.01
Published the Week of April 30th, 2023 The Failure to Have an Accurate Vision for the Country, Dear Progressives With Clips from FDR, Carneades & Jorge Aguilar Please Donate to keep CWB Alive! Donate to: CashApp $CWBPodcast & Paypal @CWBPodcast 12 Month Goals: 300 at $5 100 at $10 100 at $20 25 at $21+ One of my pet bug-a-boos. . . .yes, still. For those who have been listening to this show for some time, you know how much I dislike the fact that Progressivism remains undefined. There is not philosophy behind it, there are no vision points they seek to realize and ultimately it is so flimsy that anyone can call themselves a Progressive just by saying they believe in Progressivism, which is undefined. Remember when Nancy Pelosi called herself a progressive and meant it. She was technically correct because she believes in higher, progressive taxes for the wealthy. This is the danger of having a political term without a philosophy or structure behind it; everyone can claim it while meaning nothing when they do. This episode is about that bug-a-boo and a lot more (y’all know what to expect by now lol). Enjoy. Music Used in the opening, Curtis Mayfield’s Think, Brandy’s The Definition and Marvin Gaye’s Inner City Blues If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me at Follow me on Facebook @ClassWarBattlefieldPodcast, on Twitter @VphiamerAdisOgaarwa