A queer Ukrainian’s hopes for a more liberated future; India’s top court hears marriage equality arguments; The Cook Islands decriminalizes sex between men, Museveni hypes harsher penalties for queer Ugandans, DeSantis lackeys expand “Don’t Say Gay” law, Florida restricts trans meds and toilet use, a trans state representative scolds Montana House Republicans, and the U.S. House passes a trans female sports ban going nowhere. Those stories and more this week when you choose "This Way Out": the world's audio oasis for queer news and culture.
Hosted this week by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle. "NewsWrap" reported this week by Tanya Kane-Parry & Marcos Najera, produced by Brian DeShazor. Correspondent: Barry McKay. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Lviv Opera street singers.
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