Putting your health information on a database on the internet what could go wrong?
We know a lot these days about how much data is worth to companies - insurance marketing etc.
My Health Record and how to opt out of it is something you need to be fully informed about.
This interview is with Chair of Electronic Frontiers Australia Lyndsey Jackson.
Lyndsey has been active in web and digital media for ten years. A committed advocate of the protection of individual rights, she works to facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities and to ensure that the use of digital does not create procedural or administrative issues that contribute to unfairness or disadvantage in civil society.
When speaking nationally and internationally on digital rights, Lyndsey focuses on the need for equitable citizen access to technology, and on the engagement of non-technologists in technology and accessibility matters
Produced by Linda Rose @ 4ZZZ Brisbane.
High quality 60 minute MP3s of any Subversion #1312 are available for rebroadcast.
If you'd like to rebroadcast this program or part there of you're welcome we'd love to know you can email linda@subversion1312.org
This show is podcast on channelzeronetwork.com 24/7 anarchist podcasts.