What it will take to really transform ourselves in a movement of love and fearless action, extended consciousness, facing the collapse of the natural planet, civilization, and social order. The Tower Guard, a radical Satyagraha force organized on a national scale, seeks to bring about the collapse of all illusion, and reveal What Must Come Next. How did the Tower Guard start? Who are the people who participate? What transformation of self-image and worldview is required to participate?
Adam Fogelson as "The Host" Laila Johnson as "The Correspondent" David Higgins as "The Major" Tanja Burke as "The Kayaker" Gavain UPrichard as "The Philosopher" Denise Murphy and Gavain UPrichard tell "The Girl and the Bicycle" Contributors: Dana McGuire, Liz Lafferty, Peter Clay, Kelsey Erickson Music: Gavain UPrichard, Dylan Katieb, the Viroqua Singers featuring: "First We Take Manhattan" by Leonard Cohen, "O Superman" by Laurie Anderson, "Entering the Headquarters of the Angry White Male" by Komiku, "If It Be Your Will" by Leonard Cohen and performed by Anonhi and the Johnsons, and the essay "Pale Blue Dot," read by its author, Carl Sagan Sound Effects by Simon Besonen, Tillwyn McGuire, and Walter Yildirim Sound Engineering by Gavain UPrichard Written by Gavain UPrichard and Laila Johnson
Episode 1 introduces the Ghostbox, a device which gives means to voices from other times and places, living and dead, to tell the story of The Great Turning of Consciousness on the brink of the Sixth Great Extinction. Join our host as he weaves interviews, current (and future) events with investigations into the reality beyond the normal/paranormal divide in a quest to find out what is really happening.