Going all the way back to BSTF #466, tonight's show features no heavy lifting! Well, at least for you--it took an all-nighter-and-most-of-the-dayer to put it to rights, but it was eminently worth it. Tonight we analyze the horrible crap that pours out of your radio speakers when you have it tuned to the WRONG station--that pervasive mainstream ooze that you can't entirely escape no matter how hard you try! The dinosaurs of rock will crush you underfoot while idiots hold up their lighters and shout for "'Freebird!!'" With some classic perspective provided by The Simpsons, Jimmy Swaggart, Jack Van Impe, Brother Maze Jackson, the Holy Ghost Players, Del Close from "How to Speak Hip," traveling rock-music scare preacher Tom Garguilo milking his stint as a temporary ringer in Wild Cherry (the "Play That Funky Music White Boy" band--he's not listed in any official Wild Cherry stuff online, but he is mentioned in this guy's blog from when he did the church-scam circuit--http://sirkowski.tumblr.com/post/102541454199/ghastly-h-crackers-sirkowski). And there are songs like "Caped Crusader" by lesbian guitarist Phranc, "Alternateen" by Wally Pleasant, and...and...and SHIT. I don't know--I was up to my eyeballs in soundwaves taking out pops, but it was on a subatomic level and I'll be fucked if I can remember what more of the songs were. I guess we'll find out together.