You had better PUT DOWN THE TARPS TONIGHT, Seekers!
Once again, the Lymph Node Institute rises to the task of giving you what I can't! This time, they make up for my pathetic--ahem--shortcomings with their masterful Spring Sex Extravaganza! Doc P. Ellis and Doktor Bugbladder discuss the carnal dynamics of the OOZE/SQUIRT interface and how it relates to that demanding lump in your shorts--the one in the front, DUH. They lube it all up and wax it all down with the sexy strains of DEVO, Jimi Hendrix, Mr Bungle, Negativland, loud cockrock from L.A. Guns, and even Doris Day singing "Sugarbush"! Bugsy and Doc give you more than mere ear rape--this is a hardcore virtual eardate with a happy ending and a nice tuck-you-in.