The show surveys the current Republican candidates for president about their internet policy, especially broadband access and privacy issues. Then tune in Gonçalo F. Cardoso's "A Study into 21st Century Drone Acoustics," an album with 17 recordings of different radio-controlled drones, from consumer models to military bombers. Also, James Clapper, US director of national intelligence, testifies before Congress about how intelligence services might use the internet of things for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and more. And the show ends with a short Congressional hearing of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology about three radio bills from Feb. 11. Also, The Beatles' "I'm Looking Through You" is included.
For airplay the week of Feb. 13-20, 2016.
This Week in Radio News: Goncalo F. Cardoso for Feb. 13-20, 2016.
Radio news about radio waves.
Feb. 13, 2016
Produced at Wave Farm/WGXC in the Hudson Valley, New York.