Tune in to hear a few Republicans discuss cyber issues at the Jan. 28 Republican debate.
Produced for Feb. 1, 2016, but can air a few days later.
Republicans held their final debate Jan. 28, before voters begin casting ballots around the nation, and by our count, less then two minutes were devoted to internet- or broadcast-related matters. Ohio Gov. John Kasich was asked about encryption, and said it was better not to talk about it. And Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul repeatedly inserted that the rest of the candidates were ignoring basic rights of Americans by supporting warrantless government surveillance. This report plays the Kasich and Rand clips.
Republicans talk little of cyber issues for Feb. 1, 2016
Radio news about radio waves.
Feb. 1, 2016
Produced at Wave Farm/WGXC in the Hudson Valley, New York.