The Federal Communications Commission's latest report on the state of U.S. broadband shows a lot of Americans don't have access, and those that do, don't have choices.
Produced for Jan. 13, 2016, but can air a few days later.
The Federal Communications Commission just released its latest broadband status report, and it says 34 million Americans, or about 10 percent of the country, "still lack access to fixed broadband at the FCC s benchmark speed of 25 Mbps for downloads, 3 Mbps for uploads." If there is broadband available in the U.S., usually there is only one choice, as two-thirds of the country has only one choice for broadband. That ranks the U.S 16th out of the top 34 developed countries on the planet, a very average score. Recently the FCC has taken some action: reclassifing ISPs under Title II, passing new net neutrality rules, improving middle-mile network funding, and redefining broadband as something 25 Mbps or faster. Karl Bode has a complete examination of the report at TechDirt.
U.S. broadband ranks average among developed nations, FCC report says for Jan. 13, 2016
Radio news about radio waves.
Jan. 13, 2016
Produced at Wave Farm/WGXC in the Hudson Valley, New York.