As Jeb "Snake Plissken" Robertson Bush beats the bayous tracking his renegade half-brother George, he tortures information out of shellshocked hurricane survivors and reminisces about the convoluted genetic path that brought him to this pivotal point. The flashback-memories that well up in Jeb's mind throw stark light on the twisted intertwining histories of the Robertson/Bush dynasties. Meanwhile, George is all fucked up with nowhere to go--drunk off his ass and wandering the swamps aimlessly in a drag disguise, the idiot is unaware that his meandering path is drawing him closer and closer to a brutal date with Destiny--and boy, is SHE pissed at him. All bets are off as the two presidents finally face each other in the middle of a storm-ravaged Louisiana battleground. And this fact is TRUE:
Someone will DIE tonight. And *badly,* too.
The incredible jaw-dropping violence of the last three minutes is NOT TO BE MISSED. You'll want to fap to it later, believe me.