For more than 44 years, Max Dashu has researched and documented global women's history and cultural studies. She founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 and began presenting women's history slideshow. Max's legendary Archives hold over 15,000 slides with tens of thousands more images in digital format. She has taken her visual talks around the US and many other countries. She has produced two videos: Women's Power in Global Perspective and Woman Shaman: the Ancients (2013) Her next publication will be the first book in her multi-volume series Secret History of Witches, about women in European history, folk tradition, and the witch hunts. She clearly shows that once women were heralded and honored as queens and women of greatness and power. Megan Morgan asked, when interviewing Max: "What is the reason that women were removed from historical awareness:" Max replies, "Multiple reasons: to sustain the idea that men are naturally superior, all evidence to the contrary must be removed; disdain for women leading to the belief that females could not have mattered or done any significant, and thus evidence disproving that is ignored or regarded as insignificant; and male dominant systems would have to change if women knew their real history, that we are not doomed to be dominated, and that patriarchy is not the human default. Showing that is seen as a threat.:"
Sound track from introduction to Maxs DVD Women shaman: the Ancients (2013)