TheAngryindian speaks further on the hypocritical ballyhoo surrounding the passing of Hon. Bro. Nelson Mandela of the African National Congress (ANC) and his political struggle for Black liberation in Africa and across the Afro-Diaspora.
Public Discussion: Thanks to ConsciousVybz Radio, NY via Tumblr.
Recorded in Occupied North America. -- [*Drop us a line if you rebroadcast this Internet Radio Broadcast (IRB). We like to network...] -- Your feedback as listeners is important. Please feel free to forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can effectively, non-violently and intelligently respond to our respective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses will be raised on future dispatches. -- eMail + '' G+Talk + 'aboriginalmediagroup' SKYPE + 'aboriginalnewsgroup' VoIP + APNSPR +
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