Current progress defending Strawberry Rock, sacred Yurok site and old growth forests in Humboldt county Sept 2013. Sitters, Mauro and Mahai discussing spirit of the indigenous areas near the Treetop Groves. Ascending climbers are building platforms and tree dwellings to be there and while ancestors of those once inhabiting this land are being honored. Green Diamond and timber Companies are leaving the group alone and the media has spoken and exposes some of the past disturbances to these parts while lacking treaties or signed papers. Alliances formed say that if any of the tribal members want the land back it is to be given. See TRINIDAD TREESITTERS at
Mauro, Mahaia, Laureen, others in the family,Lance, Farmer,tree climbers,Jack, Yurok elders,Standing Bear, famous musician, Humboldt County, Lance, n all I will soon mention again.
Tree Sitters Spiritualized
MnM discuss the life changing events in Trinidad , Ca