BT & Glyphosate better known as RoundUp TM and GMOs in general are the focus of this collage. Seems theyre all pathological to many species of life on various levels as well as humans and their cultures. One must ask what is really going on here, are the scientists and businessmen really that disconnected from nature and common sense? Jeremy Scahill recently reported that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater aka. Academi clandestine mercenary group was sold to Monsanto.
see program notes
If you would like to know more please visit the URLs listed below. There is a sister program by this producer on this subject that can be heard or downloaded at
Commentary by: Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Davis Suzuki, Jeffery M. Smith, Dr Stephanie Seneff, Prof Don Huber, the evil Bill Gates and other unknowns
Music (complete or excerpts): The Rainbow by TALK TALK Conflict Of Interest by Rob Herring Tapehead by TALK TALK What's Inside GMOs by Rob Herring
FX or short supportive segments: Various pieces from the movie The Matrix