The Monday, April 8, Climate Justice Forum radio program hosted by Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT, gratefully welcomes activist Carlo Voli of newly formed Rising Tide Seattle, who with Lisa Marcus successfully locked down inside the Canadian consulate in Seattle on April 3, demonstrating solidarity with struggles against the Keystone XL pipeline and West Coast tar sands tankers. Among 19 brave anti-tar sands arrests in the four Northwest states over the last two years, their direct action amplified WIRTâs twelve 2011-12 megaload protesting and monitoring arrests and Northern Rockies Rising Tideâs five July 2011 arrests. Carlo talks about the growing resistance and impacts of tar sands pipelines and tankers in the Salish Sea region. Broadcast on KRFP Radio Free Moscow ( between 7:30 and 9:30 pm PDT live at 92.5 FM and online, the show also covers continent-wide dirty energy developments and climate activism news. Thanks to the generous, anonymous listener who adopted program host Helen Yost as his KRFP DJ. Visit the station website soon to learn how you can adopt inspiring DJs (
Helen Yost of Wild Idaho Rising Tide offers news and conversations with climate change activists and scientists about corporate dirty energy projects and citizen resistance, interspersed with protest songs and descriptions of grassroots direct actions and community initiatives.