Special WBAI LAB meeting dealing with diversity. An example of using race as a tool for manipulation of power. This is not said lightly. This is sad.
Producer: CdPNY Uploaded by: Rogue Finch Radio
12 members present and 11 voting.
ATTN: sometimes there are split second breaks in the audio. nothing has been cut, but rather when adjusting the manual volume it seemed at times to cut out. my apologies.
This Special WBAI Local Advisory Board meeting dealing with who should be on the iPNB diversity committee that is to come up with language for the bylaws of the pacifica foundation.
Unfortunately the WBAI Loacal Advisory Board is at the forefront of diversion from democratic elections. The Unity Caucus that many of the wbai lab are members of has done much to impede. The wbai lab and diversity commitee members made up of the Unity caucus in NY will use brute force to get their way. I think that is what was being disputed by miguel, the chair, and others watching the show. There are tactics being utilized to get desired results. that is what is the issue here.
While I have no doubt that ALL of the people in the meeting feel diversity is of the utmost importance. That said, this is one of the best documentations of power grabbing disguised as race-baiting and racism that I have heard. The divide that is growing deeper between the self-selected board, the entrenched station politicos and those demanding democracy through elections using Proportional Representation as mandated by the settlement of 2002. It is a real insight into WBAI and Pacifica.
That we are on the brink of war is of no consequence, it was not mentioned one time except to attack the Chair of the iPNB for attending to her position of leading United for Peace at this critical moment.
for backround see http://www.wbai.net for documentation and links.
the whole meeting is very instructive.
the last file has 30+ minutes of audio from the iPNB meeting of March 8, 2003 in LA. This was what the disagreement was about as to who should be on the committee that should last only one more week as of tomorrow March 19. 2003.
part 3 @23minutes is where mimi rosenberg wants to resign but doesn't, of course. she says disparaging remarks about miguel, calling him a provocateur, leslie cagan is called into question as well. You can see the language that is spoken when one goes against the grain of the WBAI Lab/Unity Caucus.