The Monday, October 15, 2012, Climate Justice Forum radio program hosted by Wild Idaho Rising Tide ( welcomes Bellingham performer and environmental educator Dana Lyons, who is bringing his Great Coal Train Tour to Moscow, Idaho, on Friday evening, October 19. Dana shares stories of resistance to proposed Northwest coal export mines, trains, and ports, gathered on his tour from potentially impacted communities, like eastern Montana ranchers, Lummi Indians, and Puget Sound residents, along the railroad/shipping lane route from Montana to Washington and Oregon. Broadcast on KRFP Radio Free Moscow ( between 7:30 and 9:30 pm PDT live at 92.5 FM and online, and later aired on KMEC in Ukiah, California, the show also covers continent-wide dirty energy developments and opposition to fossil fuel extraction and transportation projects.
Helen Yost of Wild Idaho Rising Tide offers news and conversations with climate change activists and scientists about corporate dirty energy projects and citizen resistance, interspersed with protest songs and descriptions of grassroots direct actions and community initiatives.