With the song of Jupiter in the background we hear Descartes famous statement concerning the thought of I as singular and being of mind only. This the famous split in rational western thought, which is at the root of much that is unharmonious in the world today. Then priests of science begin to see the connections of the web yet worry about missing galactic conversation while deaf to the intelligence in life all around them while a god is confronted and musicians offer footnotes throughout.
see program notes
Commentary by: Our Place in the Cosmos from the Symphony of Science series God Is a Cosmic Terrorist by Mathew Dowd from his Idolatry of the Written Word The Ruling Elites by William Kotke The Unbroken Thread from the Symphony of Science series
Music (complete or excerpts): Mandala by David Parsons In the Beginning by Connie Barlow War Pigs cover by Hellsongs Holy Wars by David Pendragon Its Alright Ma by the Duhks Foolish Dreams and Dark Desires by Rob Lutes & Chris Issac Welcome to the Cruel World by Ben Harper Big Bang to Entropy by Rob Bryanton â sung by Ron Scott No Compromise by Daryl Chernney
FX or short supportive segments: NASA-Voyager audio recording of the sounds of Jupiter I Think Therefore I Am by the Moody Blues from the song In the Beginning I Am He As You Are He etc, etc. by the Beatles from the song I Am the Walrus
URLs of note: NASA sounds of Jupiter - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3fqE01YYWs&feature=related Symphony of Science series - http://symphonyofscience.com/ Connie Barlow & David Pendragon http://www.thegreatstory.org/
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