This chilling poem by Cistercian monk and writer Thomas Merton offers a dramatic portrayal of SS Officer Rudolf Hoess. Hoess served as Commandant of Auschwitz from May 1940 to November 1943. He was convicted of genocide at the Nuremberg Trials and handed over to the Polish authorities who charged him with the murder of three and a half million men, women and children. Hoess responded: "No. Only two and one half million - the rest died from disease and starvation."
Voice: vincentd Music: "Notch" by Zero V. (remix: vincentd) [Many thanks to Henk van der Duim of Zero V]
"Chant to be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces" was originally published in 1961 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti in the inaugural edition of the "Journal for the Protection of all Beings"