Our cultural creation stories hold much more power over our concepts of what is possible, what is reality and how our institutions can operate than most of us generally realize. Is our reality purely mechanistically based, is life just the good fighting the bad or the light overcoming the shadow or is the Avatar story closer to the truth? It took 15 billion years to be where we are today (Long Time Comin), give a listen to this collage for a better idea of what this all means about you.
see program notes
Sr. Miriam T. MacGillis is the pre-eminent teller of the New Cosmological Story as envisioned by the likes of Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme. The majority of the audio came from a presentation given in 1986. You could say it has stood the test of time.
I am most grateful for the spoken word pieces of Vincent Di Stefano, a Melbourne resident with a fine sense of our western cultural history and the institutional influences found within. Ever a questioning mind and consummate wordsmith - see his Blog Integral Reflections.
Commentary by: Vincent Di Stefano Sr. Miriam T. MacGillis Terry Tempest Williams
Music (complete or excerpts): Long Time Gone - Crosby, Stills & Nash Peace - D LOOP Broken - Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke Woodstock (Woman of Heart and Mind DVD) - Joni Mitchell
FX or short supportive segments: Radio signals leaving Earth from the movie Contact
URLs of note: Sr. Miriam T. MacGillis 1986 audio in two parts: http://thegreatstory.org/macgillis.html