Occupy Buffalo was distinctive in that up until recently it was supported by city officials and the police. However, the contract they'd had with the city expired on Feb.2nd. Late that night, the police raided the encampment, haphazardly removing personal belongings which were dumped into a truck, destroying tents, teepee, and geodesic dome then arresting ten occupiers who refused to leave the encampment.
Why did the city suddenly turn on the occupy movement? Did infighting within the movement factor in? Many women in the occupy movement in Buffalo and elsewhere feel disenfranchised within the very movement that claims to represent 99% of us. This is similar to what had happened to the peace movement back in the 60s. Is history repeating itself?
Also author Mari Kozlowski talks about growing up poor. What is our society's attitude toward the poor? How does poverty affect one's psychology? Do the poor have a chance at a better life today in the US? Or is the system set up to keep poor people in their place?
Buffy Lo, announcer, Mari Kozlowski, local author (www.PisceanRant.blogspot.com) and Meria Cairns, producer
Part 1 of Feb 5th broadcast
interview with an author, eviction of occupy buffalo
Feb. 5, 2012
within the deep, dark recesses of an inner city cave, ingeniously hidden underneath a NY pizza joint, or perhaps your subconscious mind...