Kathleen Nolan, MD provides clear and well thought out guidance on the health impacts of high volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) commonly referred to as "fracking". Dr. Nolan is a pediatrician and serves as director of the High Peaks office of Catskill Mountainkeeper. This organization takes the strong public health protective position of supporting a ban on shale gas exploitation in New York State.
Shale gas exploitation in the United States has led to the sickening of many people and animals. Scientific evidence continues to accumulate that would lead a reasonable person to oppose the use of this resource extraction technology.
We discuss the concept of a Health Impact Analysis. It does not appear likely that New York State government will produce such an analysis. Catskill Mountainkeeper and numerous other environmental organizations may take up the work of conducting a Health Impact Analysis so as to provide an excellent example for future activists.
In order to stop shale gas exploitation in New York State and the rest of the US people need to join together in public demonstrations of opposition to HVHF and advocate for prohibitions against this activity among their elected representatives in state and national government.
Cancer Action News Network Donald L. Hassig, Producer 315.262.2456