Occupy Olympia's capital clips featuring: Danny Kelly, Dana Lyons, Jim Page, Paul Cienfuegos,David Rovics, Dorli Rainey, teachers union citizens arrest, and more...and other Occupy Movement updates. After our show we aired a Lisa Fithian interview from youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmWH0tYnxHk
Occupy Olympia, Occupy the Capital, and other occupy sites. Back ground music "Occupy Wallstreet" by Wildlife Control.
Email us at dj_ladymarmalade@hotmail.com for rebroadcasting. We want to encourage folks to use the materials but would like to know about it beforehand so we can collaborate with you. Thanks. Like our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the.99.percent.report Or 1+ our Google+ at: https://plus.google.com/107028126130935069382