In the first hour, Patricia Rain, author of "The Vanilla Cookbook", shared with us how her love of the vanilla bean lead her to a life of adventure, and appreciation of and advocacy for third world farmers and the creation of a more just and equitable world.
Please visit her website at:
In the second hour, Alx Utterman & Jonathan D. Rosen, spiritual healers, shared their experiences with an extraordinary spiritual master, Swami Kaleshwar ( Jonathan and Alx talked about spiritual healing and truth, the subtly of the soul, and what karma miracles they have witnessed. They revealed their own convictions regarding Swami Kaleshwar's mission to assist others in the development and realization of master teachers who will fulfill the prophecy spoken by Jesus that "you too shall do these works, and even greater works than these..."
For more information, please visit and
In the third hour, Julia Lonergan, "The Haunting of Mission Santa Cruz, Mexico, 1708 to 1876, Volume 2", spoke about the murders of the southern Spanish Royalists including the famous Mexican-Spanish Governor J. Joe Castro II and the Castro-Moraga heirs of he Carlos-Moraga ("Charlemagne").