Kate Pickett, co-author of The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, argues that more equal US states and countries and have greater longevity, fewer homicides, more trust, and other better outcomes, but average wealth doesn't matter much. Ed Paquin, former six-term Vermont state representative and current executive director of Disability Rights Vermont, puts Pickett's findings in a Vermont perspective.
Peak Oil Check-In (rebroadcast from Feb. 2009): A Peak Oil Superhero
Equal Time Productions. Originally broadcast on WDEV AM&FM, Waterbury and Montpelier, Vermont. Produced by Artie Levigne.
Notes: Free for non-commercial use. Contact me for conditions for commercial use. Please email me at relocalizingvermont@REMOVE_THISyahoo.com if you broadcast it. Thanks!
Carl Etnier hosts Equal Time Radio one day a week, focusing on energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil. More information about the program, and audio from other Equal Time hosts, is available at www.equaltimeradio.com
More information on Pickett's work on equality and quality of life: www.equalitytrust.org.uk
Disability Rights Vermont: www.disabilityrightsvt.org One Vermont initiative: www.onevermont.org