Burning wood: What do the professionals know about burning wood that they'd like most people to know? A firewood processor and seller, an air quality expert, and the owner of a chimney sweep company speak their minds.
Burning atoms: Two experts from the nuclear industry watchdog organization Beyond Nuclear were starting a speaking trip to Vermont on Entergy's management of nuclear power plants outside Vermont and the radioactive fuel cycle.
Peak Oil Check-In: Converging for Village-Building
Equal Time Productions. Originally broadcast on WDEV AM&FM, Waterbury and Montpelier, Vermont. Produced by Artie Levigne.
In the first segment, guests are David Sparrow, a firewood processor and seller; Harold Garabedian, former director of the Air Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality; and Vivian Davis, owner and CEO of Chimney Works (www.chimneyworks.org). Davis recommends the information on using woodstoves at the web site of the Chimney Safety Institute of America (www.csia.org).
Due to travel problems, Kevin Kamts and Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear (www.beyondnuclear.org) were unable to appear on the show. Thanks to Debra Stoleroff of the Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance (www.vyda.org) for filling in on short notice.
Free for non-commercial use. Contact me for conditions for commercial use. Please email me at relocalizingvermont@REMOVE_THISyahoo.com if you broadcast it. Thanks!
Carl Etnier hosts Equal Time Radio one day a week, focusing on energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil. More information about the program, and audio from other Equal Time hosts, is available at www.equaltimeradio.com.