A half-time report on the UN climate talks in Barcelona in the words of the majority world participants themselves. The story of the African Groupâs walk-out is told in their own words.
Produced by Phil England for Climate Radio and ResonanceFM. Please drop me a quick note if you broadcast this programme at phil@switch-off.co.uk. Many thanks! www.climateradio.org www.resonancefm.com
Notes and references to follow shortly.
The 300-350 Show is made for ResonanceFM in London and is syndicated free to not-for-profit community radio stations and independent media outlets around the globe.
The programme is named after what is now believed to the safe level in parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This finding is based on the work of James Hansen and his team in a paper titled "Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim." http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1126