Santiago - as he is still known - was one of the key people in the development of the FMLN's guerilla Radio Venceremos. He now manages the Museum of Word and Image, which is building an archive of the popular struggle in El Salvador, so that those histories are not lost. He talks with Australian community radio about the role of alternative media in El Salvador today
Santiago Warwick Fry Radio Venceremos The people of El Salvador
Two versions, one in Spanish, the other with English voiceover.
El 'Santiago' (Carlos Enrique Consalvi) ... uno de las personas claves en el desarollo del radio guerillero "Venceremos" - habla sobre los medios de communicacion populares y alternativas en El Salvador 20 anos despues. Ahora trabaja en el Museo de Palabra y Imagenes como otro medio de mantener la memoria de las luchas populares. Y hace su proprio commentario sobre los medios de communicacion en El Salvador de hoy.
(Santiago - as he is still known - was one of the key people in the development of the FMLN's guerilla Radio Venceremos. He now manages the Museum of Word and Image, which is building an archive of the popular struggle in El Salvador, so that those histories are not lost. He talks with Australian community radio about the role of alternative media in El Salvador today).