Old-Time radio plays--mostly comedies--based on political issues and characters, and other anti-corporate fare. Includes the Peak Oil Check-In by Carl Etnier, available separately on this portal.
Gwen Sanchirico, Robert McMinn, Kevin Bayhouse, April Hoy, Jeremy Sinkinson, Khalil Linane.
theme 0:27 intro 0:52 This Week's Essay: Wolves 3:55 Peak Oil Check-In: Energy makes US and Canada uneasy neighbors (Part 2 of 2) 4:31 Blood Diamonds 2:56 "Corporate Prime" Teaser 0:42 Ghetto Blaster ad 1:14 Farm Report: Kale 5:56 The Benjamin Franklin Cipher pt 1 14:09 sagebrush ID 0:20 Coffee 23:30 credits 0:40
Note: please review bleeped syllable at 40:18 and adjust if necessary.
Contact producer at sagebrush@radioboise.org if you broadcast this show or have a special request. Visit sagebrushvariety.org for more info on the segments.
for NW Independent Radio; excludes Backyard Chicken Broadcast