Topics include the US health care system, commemorating New Orleans and Katrina with a trumpet, and the mystique of choice.
Host: Clayton Morgareidge Engineer: Tami Dean
KBOO is in its pledge drive, the source of 90% of its operating budget. Please support us by going to! On today's show: 1. Introducing the show 2. Bill Resnick talks with Stephanie Woolhandler of Physicians For A National Health Plan about why single payer plans are better than what Democrats are offering. 3. Kboo's importance in the community (pledge break) 4. Goldsmith Tami Dean talks with Jan Haaken about her work on the Elysian trumpet and what it means to New Orleans. 5. In this pledge break, Tami and Jan discuss Kboo's relationship with WWOZ in New Orleans. 6. Clayton Morgareidge asks what it means to say "It's all about choice." 7. Concluding the show