Topics are Ireland and Palestine, how history will judge the Iraq war, the murder and abuse of civilians by US soldiers, the movie "Zoo," and Pat Barker's novel "The Man Who Wasn't There."
Host: Bill Resnick Engineer: Carl Vandervoort
1. Introduction by Bill Resnick to today's topics and to the moles' dreams for an better furture. 2. Dave Finkel, editor of Against the Current, discusses problems with the new political arrangments in Northern Ireland as well as the ongoing crisis in Palestine. 3. Movie Moles Denise Morris and Jan Haaken review the film about bestiality, Zoo. 4. Brief Transition 5. Tom Becker reads from John Chuckman's article in CounterPunch, "The Likely Historical Signficance of the War in Iraq." 6. Pat Barker's novel about a boy in search of his absent father, "The Man Who Wasn't There," is reviewed by Larry Bowlden. 7. Music and transition. 8. Psychologist Jan Haaken talks with Bill Resnick about the army's "psychologizing" of soldiers who kill and abuse civilians inorder to cover up the systematic authorization of violence at the highest levels. 9. Conclusion