Bush says he protects civil liberties, Bush admits he violates civil liberties, Bamford says it's a felony, the Pentagon admits it is watching activists, ACLU says Talon database is huge, Bush says 30,000ish Iraqis murdered, New York Times held story
CNN, NBC, NPR, ITE, Randi Rhodes, Jon Stewart, ABC News, Media Matters, CBS News
Bush says he protects civil liberties, Bush admits he violates civil liberties, Bamford says it's a felony, the Pentagon admits it is watching activists, ACLU says Talon database is huge, Bush says 30,000ish Iraqis murdered, New York Times held story for Bush Administration, New York Times held story for Bush Administration, New York Times held story for Bush Administration & many, many Americans are illiterate.
"Zapping" is a french term for channel surfing.
Here is an mp3 of a cool mix that "Marlo Guddry" did of this edition: http://nyc.indymedia.org/media/2005/12//62384.mp3
Feel free to use any "Zapping the Empire" as you wish. Give me a heads up, as I dig the different versions!-jb