Weekly podzine This week a few sinister people get served with their just desserts. The intellectual authors of terrorist legislation, with passing reference to the Cronulla riots.
Martin Jansen Graeme Ferguson Community Radio Station 2NimFm http://nimbinradiomedia.libsyn.com The Australian Prime Miniature Condoleeza Rice Rummy Rumsfeld
Martin's Podzine. One of Martin's best. Scan Dot Org Nimbin's weekly podzine This week a few sinister people get served with their just desserts, attracting Martin's most heartfelt acknowlegements. Martin tries to run the maze of corporate state manipulation. Fed up with the revelations, admissions, and denials of sinister actions, Graham and Martin decide to just simply *eat* these people and institutions, clearing the planet from a sludgy, slimy covering of scum.