Heinberg discusses peak oil, the unlikelihood of various technologies to solve our energy needs, the debt-based economy, and community preparedness
Focus of this interview is solutions to the peak oil crisis. After a brief overview of peak oil and the pressures of population growth, Heinberg discusses hydrogen, natural gas, coal, biofuels, wind and solar energy, and the mythology that supply-side solutions will replace declining oil supplies, at least in the short term.
Heinberg argues that currently proposed solutions do not adequately address the pressing need to reduce demand-side needs of automobiles (the least efficient form of modern machinery). He argues for alternatives to autos over efficiency gains such as those recommended by Apollo Alliance.
Heinberg predicts the transition to a more agriculturally-based economy, based on manual labor, with great relocations of people out of cities probable. Heinberg doesn't believe our national government will be proactive, and that local communities will be left to their own devices as people lose jobs and housing. He predicts that the US will likely continue their involvement in resource wars around the globe as an expression of the "Last One Standing" approach.
Heinberg discusses Cuba's radical adjustments after the dissolution of USSR and loss of 75% of its oil imports, when Cuba made shift to small organic farms. This is a modern example of how a society can survive sudden loss of energy resources.
Heinberg discusses the US's (and world's) debt-based economy that requires constant growth, and why peak oil will cause our economy to crumble.
The range of community preparedness options are discussed, including survival skills, seed preservation, conservation, education, etc. Many of these skills are taught by New College of California (www.newcollege.edu), where Heinberg teaches.
This radio show is part of a community preparedness initiative called Monadnock Institute for Community Advancement and Sustainability, located in SW NH. Please see http://worldonenetwork.info/MICAS and /OASIS for further information and other interviews.