Via Skype from Palestine as Israel denied him travel documents to attend the event.
Omar Bargouhti reminds us of the larger meaning of the liberation struggle to be found in the Passover story and remembered in the celebration of Yom Kippor that Jewish Zionist have worked to erase. Muslims, Christians and Jews once lived in symbiotic association prior to the arrival of the European Zionists whose intention from the first was settler colonialism, supremacist nationalism and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian non Zionist population. Along with Palestinian land, history and culture it was necessary for Zionists to steal Jewish identity, to conflate it with the Judaisms anathema, to infuse their project with a legitimacy it does not deserve.
Tzedek Chicago
Author Thomas Suarez : Palestine Hijacked Book Discussion Apartheid In Plain Sight: Israel's Use of Narrative to Conceal Its Crimes (and History's Power to Expose Them)