Millions of northern Europeans are wearing coats indoors, as energy prices skyrocket. Author and energy watcher Nate Hagens interviews writer & film-maker Nora Bateson in Sweden. Is this a trial run for living with less? Alex investigates the Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) tankers to save Europe, and the role of China. Desert for this radio meal is a few minutes with the late French philosopher Guy Debord. He saw the social lie that keeps us pinned to suicidal lifestyles.
Analysis of LNG markets and environmental impacts by Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock.
Frank #20 videocast by Nate Hagens of
Readings from "The Society of the Spectacle" Guy Debord, 1967.
Short clips from DW News, Germany
English overdub reading from Spectacle on YouTube
In the Affiliates version, there is a break and re-intro at 29:24 for stations needing to insert station ID or announcements.