Documentary reveals the size and scope of the network of thousands of Christian-right anti-abortion "clinics" in the US and worldwide, and some of the dangers they present in pursuing their missions of preventing abortions and recruiting converts. Harms they may cause include purveying false and potentially lethal information, and massive coordinated collection of personal data that can be used to track those who come to them for help. These organizations enjoy the immunity of nonprofit status and many in the US are receiving public funds. Resistance exists. Speakers: Frieda Werden (intro); Kate Jessica Raphael, producer and host; Anna Iglitzin, voice of the internet; Jenifer McKenna co-founder of California Women's Law Center and co-author of the 2021 report, "Designed to Deceive"; Dr. Monica McLemore, professor of Nursing and Public Health at the University of Washington; Ashley Underwood, director of the research group Equity Forward. Film excerpts: a student from University of California at Riverside, from Young Folks Share Their Experiences at Fake Clinics, produced by the nonprofit Advocates for Youth; and Bernard Nathanson, narrator of the 1984 anti-abortion film The Silent Scream.
Produced by Kate Jessica Raphael. Additional assistance: Ariel Boone, Christina Aanestad, Sara Blanco, Anna Iglitzin and Daniela Thome. WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden. Special thanks to KPFA-FM, Berkeley, California.