"Sister Carolyn Gage" is a playwright and performance artist . Her books of Sermons for a Lesbian Tent Revival are available in podcast, book and e-book formats. http://carolyngage.weebly.com/sermons-for-a-lesbian-tent-revival.html
Playwright Carolyn Gage performing one of her Sermons for a Lesbian Tent Revival. This one is relevant for everyone. First she discusses the poverty of our words to distinguish among many forms of "love" and lists alternative words that are more precise. Then she talks about the brain chemistry at work when we "fall in love," what to expect, and how to protect ourselves (and others) from disastrous long-term choices while under the influence.
Audio courtesy of Carolyn Gage; WINGS Series Producer, Frieda Werden
The "potentionally offensive language" is just a couple of mentions of the word "clit" as an organ of the human body - should be OK to air, but letting you know in case.