The global depression pushes Germany over the edge.
Economic catastrophe was, in effect, the last link in a long chain of ideas and events and a catalyst which gave Hitler a real opportunity for the final cashing in. The catalyst worked because the nation was already ripe for Hitlerâs kind of cashing in. If a man long-addicted to a toxic drug suffers sudden convulsions and then dies from, then one might validly say that the convulsions were the cause of the death so long as one remembers the cause of the cause. The same is true about a country addicted to a toxic ideology.
After years of preaching contradictions and evading principles with an anti-ideological shrug, theseâthe civilized--men were astonished to see the nation conclude that man cannot live by principles, that reason is no guide to action, and that anything goes.
These men were astonished to see hostile gangs take to the streets and demand one anotherâs sacrifice.
These men were astonished to find that irrational feeling is no counter to wild emotionalism.
After years of spreading or condoning or subsidizing the cult and culture of nihilism, these men were astonished to find they had nothing more to say and that there was no one left to listen.
The moderates were helpless. The authorities were helpless. The killers were taking over.
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Parts 1 through 10